The Gift

Hello Friends!

I have been gone such a long time from blogging world but I haven't completely dropped off the face of blogging world.  December is here which means I am starting Random Acts of Giving/Kindess again.  This simple act at Christmas time has changed my Christmas's forever.  I received one of the best gifts I have ever received this year and would love to share the story.  It starts back in August on my birthday.

I received a very unexpected package in the mail from an Uncle of mine.  

When I opened up the package there were two small packages.  The first gift was to be used for me in any way I wanted, and the second gift was to be use to bless someone else in anyway I felt led. 

If you could have seen me you would have seen that I was beside myself with excitment and joy.  I might have even did a little birthday dance around the room.  I am telling you this was my absolute favorite gift ever!  I loved all the possibilities of what God could do with this money.  I immediately started praying asking Him to send me people and ideas to use this money to glorify Him the most.  After I had been praying a while He impressed on my mind to use this money specifically for Random Acts of Kindness and so I have been waiting patiently since August to use this for now. 
So today it starts!   Random Act of Giving December 2012.
My first purchase was at Bath and Body Works.  One of my favorite Random Acts last year was cashier gifts.  So I purchased 30 antibacterial hand sanitizers to add to small gift bags for all of my cashiers.  I will add other things as well and post later on this week what will make up these gifts.  These are normally $1.50 a piece but with coupons and sales they cost only $.66 a piece.  Can you guess my all time favorite scent?  It is in this picture...
I would love to hear of your Random Acts this year.  So many of you were also doing random acts and would love to hear all your stories and post them here on the blog!  Much love to you this Christmas Season!!  May Christ be the center of all our giving and celebrations.


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