Random Acts of Giving

This morning I taught Children's Church and had so much fun.  This was my first time teaching Children's Church here at our new church so I wasn't quite sure how it would go. 

I am one that cannot go into any teaching time without a lot of preparation.  I require a lot of study time before I feel comfortable teaching any age group and even though I had studied I didn't feel ready.  The Lord quickly reminded me that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  It was definitely one of those crazy mornings around our house.  After much grumpiness and fighting from the troops Mark sat everyone down for prayer.   When we invite God to join us in even the routine little things He comes and transforms our hearts.  Even a Pastor's family has crazy and grumpy mornings. :)

Random Acts Of Giving Challenge

Children's Church went great!  One part of our lesson was on giving.  Our memory verse for the lesson was 1 Timothy 6:18 - "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."  I challenged the kids to do at least 5 random acts of giving this week.  Every child that does 5 random acts of giving this week will be featured on this blog sharing what they did.   Because of our challenge I have also decided to do one act of random giving every day this next week.  I will blog about it every day and would love for you to join me in this challenge.   This week think of small ways that you can bless others randomly.   Let's be focused on being wealthy in good deeds! 

I made memory verse cards for the kids in Children's Church and wanted to pass them along to you.  Click on the link below the picture to print.  Each page will print 8 of the same card. 

Merry Christmas,
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