Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Mark's birthday this week.  He is getting old!  :)  Just kidding.  When he gets older than I do too, and I sure am not ready to think about getting older.

The kids wanted to get him birthday cards so we did, and as soon as he got home they sat him down to read him their cards.  It was a great evening.  I let the kids pick out their own gifts to him.  Garrett got him a fishing pole.  I think he got the fishing pole so Mark would have to take him fishing...clever kid. :)  Lexi headed straight towards the food.  If you know anything about Lexi you know everything she thinks about has to do with food.  She got him a large tub of peanuts, some Reisens, and some Sour patch watermelons...the sour patch watermelons were also a clever gift.   She knew he would give them to her.   They are too funny.  I am not sure if the cleverness they have is a blessing or a curse.

We also did some decorating for him...

and made his favorite pie (chocolate chip).

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We love you!!!



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