Praying Specifically

I have been working my way through Genesis in my personal study and it is taking a long time.  I started a couple months ago and have only reached chapter 25, but it is so neat to see how this weeks lesson has applied to the prayer study I have started.  The first aspect the Lord has shown me on my journey is praying specifically.  So many times in life we pray general prayers.  We might not get specific because God might not answer the way we want and we will feel let down.  Sometimes I don't pray specifically because I doubt that its not the Lord's will.  We can hide behind many reasons not to pray specifically and then never see God work in specific ways just because we failed to ask.

In Genesis 24 we see Abraham's servant go out to find a wife for Isaac.  In this passage he prays a very specific prayer, and we see God answer this request in specific abundance.   In this chapter (24 of Genesis) the first thing that is specific is God's timing.  Genesis 24:15 says that before he was finished praying God was already answering his specific request.  I love that!!  I love the fact that not only was it before he was done praying, but that God's timing no matter when is perfect!  The second thing that is specific is the answer to the request.  God answered his request exactly as he prayed it.   He not only prayed specifically, but then watched in expectation to see the Lord's answer.  I know I am guilty of praying and not waiting in expectation.   I love how the Lord brought me to this passage at this specific time right when I started studying the topic of prayer.  I don't think it is an accident at all!  I am now waiting in expectation for what the Lord is going to do in my own life!



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