Zambia Missions Trip Day Seven

Today I was able to receive a message from Mark via email. I didn't get any pictures but I did get an update for everyone.  

Today Mark was able to preach at a church service this morning. The service lasted 2 1/2 hours.  Those of you who know Mark know that this is his style.  He loves longer services!  He said that some decisions were made.

They also went to an orphanage.  "Incredible and heart breaking."    

"We ministered at the encounter farm way out in the bush yesterday.  Over 100 kids.  They hadn't eaten a meal in several days.   Even the encounter Zambia team only eats one meal a day.  An orange and two pieces of bread.  Shared the gospel and fed them.  Have done much more but just can't write it all.

Pastors conference begins tomorrow morning.  251 pastors are registered.  Some are riding bikes or walking all night long to get here.  The 250 bibles are arriving in the morning.  Incredible!!!!  This has the possibility of transforming 25000 people and more as those bibles are the equivalent of a Bible college education for these guys.  Please tell everyone they will never know the impact of what they have done.   I'm writing a session on how to use a study Bible because we have to teach them how to read it and use it.  They are going to be held accountable by the local Pastors.

Pray pray pray.  We need the prayers.  We are wrestling with tiredness.  Lots of emotions from all the things we are seeing.  It's unlike anything I have ever seen.  If you could only see what I see and the extraordinary need.

The encounter Zambia team (20) college aged young people just like the USA team is some of the finest young people I've ever met.  They are making such a difference.  The impact is huge.  Leonard (the team Pastor) is a modern day Moses.  Amazing. 

Tell the kids I was in an orphanage today and the kids made their beds perfectly and everything on the room was perfectly organized."

The quotes are excerpts out of his email to me.  He doesn't usually write in this manner, but I think it was because he was writing all of this on a phone trying to get out as much info as he could as fast as he could. 

Thank you so much for your prayers!
Much love,
