Weekly Prayer Blessings

This week has been an abundant week of answered prayer!  Last Sunday, my prayer journal started out with asking God for 7 miracles in our midst and by Sunday evening God had already begun to work in hearts and lives to answer six of those requests.  

This past week we have seen so many amazing things that only God could do.  I can’t go into specific things here on the blog, but I can share a little of what God has done in our midst and through our ministry. 

1.      God has softened hearts.  This is one that I really can't go into much detail about.  We all know of times where we have asked God to change hearts and He has.  This is what has happened with many people in our midst this week!  To me, a change of heart is a God-sized task because I know that there isn't anything in man  that can change the hearts of people.  

2.   God really worked in my children's life in the area of prayer this week.  They have more of a desire to pray than before.  

3.   I have been praying a specific prayer request for my husband the past few months.  This week God answered that request in a great and mighty way!

4.   I had a greenway praise.  A lady came right up to me while I was walking.  She told me that she was praying as she walked.  When I told her that was exactly what I was doing she gave me a big hug and went on her way.  God used that situation in a mighty way to confirm the Miles of Prayer that we have started.  

5.    The first graders in our school are impacting our community in amazing ways.  This past week they went around to businesses in the community passing out goodie bags with church invites.   I can't wait to see the fruit of that outreach!

6.  God used a young lady in our church in a powerful way to speak in the public schools this week about purity.  Even though she wasn't able to share specifically about Christ she was used in a great way to plant a seed.  She is going on a missions trip this summer to South Korea.  You can read about her calling here.  

7.    Our whole high school body went on a 1 ½ mile prayer walk this week.  

8.  God saved two people out of the pit of death this week.  I can't go into any detail, but this is HUGE!  God is SO good!

9.  Mark and our head deacon are heading to Zambia within the next month.  They will be speaking at a Pastor's conference with 150 Zambian pastors.  They are getting all geared up to go and can't wait to see how God uses them.  The praise is that  God has raised almost all the money for the Pastor’s Zambia trip and more is coming in.   

10.  We had a teen Lock-In this past Friday night.  We are so thrilled that 5 teens committed their lives to Christ.  Hallelujah!  

11.  Last night our church prayer meeting was awesome!  We had new faces and we are praying that God doubles our prayer night attendance.  

We also have heard many praise reports coming from the ladies that attended the Ladies Prayer Advance.  We have been receiving reports all week long from Evangelist Harold Vaughn.  To find out more about the Prayer Advance check out their website. .  It is so neat to see the winds of revival blowing in these churches.  Praise the Lord!!

  •  Altar filled at both services. To God be the glory.—MD
  • We had three saved—NC
  • Great service. I started furnace room today, it was hot in the furnace room (prayer room)!!!—VA
  •  God is bringing a soberness about spiritual truth!—VA
  • Great day!!! Two hands for salvation. Spirit of expectation! Big crowds, new first-time visitors, two incredible testimonies. 1300 plus Easter invites have gone out. 5 adults stated their need for salvation yesterday at a funeral...—VA
  • "70-80 at the Revival prayer meeting today. Some faces I have never seen at a prayer meeting. Great spirit of repentance and renewal."  This was on a Saturday morning.  
  • "Blow out teen prayer meeting last night. We replaced lesson time with 40 minutes of prayer on our knees. Lots of passionate praying, confession, tears, & humility!!! 1 kid asked my forgiveness for how much he's disrespected me of late!! God is on the move!!!!!"
  • GOD SHOWS UP! I just had to tell you what God did at Temple Baptist Church yesterday March 15, 2015! We had a handful of ladies this year that attended the Ladies' Prayer Advance. As you know there was a lot of emphasis on the missing person of prayer, praying your prayers not saying your prayers, and asking God to show up and show off. The ladies from our church entered into the sanctuary Saturday evening when we got back from the prayer advance and we prayed all of these things! We prayed for these things with complete confidence expecting God to show up! Well during the first service we know that one got saved and the altar was full and there were tears of brokenness! God was not done yet! At the evening service the whole church was at the altar! People who I have never seen at the altar were on their knees! They were weeping! Our church was united! Every soul even the little ones! We were all seeking the Lord! Hallelujah! I know God is going to continue this Holy Fire, A most VEHEMENT flame (Song of Solomon 8:6)! We want to see what He is going to do! We want Him to keep showing up and showing off! Thank you and your staff for praying for us! — Overflowing (NC)
  • We shared our testimonies at the morning service at Hornerstown Baptist today and the ladies that didn't come with us this year are already so excited about next year! (NJ) 
  •   Oh brother!! What wonderful testimonies we heard from the women today. Pastor never got to the pulpit, but Jesus was lifted HIGH!—NC
  • It was all so good...such rich spiritual food for my soul! – (VA)

  • It was awesome. Service went over by 1/2 hr. and the testimonies were all so powerful. The ladies were blown away by the winds of revival from the LPA! Something's happening.—MD

  • Praise the Lord GOD SHOWED UP and SHOWED OFF! – (NJ)

  • Thankful that I shared a amazing time at the Prayer Advance with these ladies!! Thank you Harold and Debbie Vaughan for your ministry. – (WV)

  • Our women were all so moved, so full, so expectant. Brother, you will never know, this side of heaven, how the Lord has blessed His church through you. (WV) 

You can probably imagine that our hearts are overwhelmed with God's goodness!  He is displaying His glory for all to hear and see.  We don't know how much time we have left here on earth, but let's pray that revival comes to our nation again before His return.

How is God answering prayer in your neck of the woods?  I would love to hear!
Much love,


  1. Wow!!! So beautiful to read such a powerful testimony on answered prayers! Thank you so much for sharing! Infinite blessing to you and all that you desire to do for HIS glory, Love! :-)

    #GraceAndTruthLinkup ;-)

    1. Thank you Tai East for stopping by! God has been so good and is continuing to answer prayer. We are completely speechless at His mighty works!

  2. Hi, Valerie! I just love hearing about answered prayer! It's a good reminder of the faithfulness of our Father God. Thanks for sharing this with us at Grace and Truth last week. :)
    Jen @ Being Confident of This

    1. Thank so much for stopping by. God has been so good I just have to share!! Happy Easter to you.


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