Free Printable Calendar for April 2015

It's almost April and with spring on the horizon I wonder how many of us are still setting and keeping our goals for 2015.  To me,  this is the best time to re-evaluate our goals for the year.  Like me, your goals may have changed a little from the goals that you had in January, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I am in the process of reading the book, "The Best Yes" by Lysa Terkuerst.  It is a great read and powerful for helping us think through the decisions that we make.  One thing that impacted me this week was how I am spending my leftover time each day.    There are many things I would love to accomplish, but I don't get to them because I am not being wise with the time that I do have leftover to spend.

Here is the April calendar to get us started in planning out our time and energies.  Write down the things that you would like to accomplish this month.  Commit your way to the Lord and see how He can use you this month! 

I hope you enjoy this calendar!  
