Big Prayers

I shared last week about how the kids and I have been praying through the alphabet, and God has done a great work through that.  We have seen God answer prayer and the kids are more excited than ever to pray.  

This week I have been reading through the book, "The Circle Maker" and "Praying Circles Around Your Children" both by Mark Batterson.  One thing he challenges is that we pray big prayers.  He mentioned that if we pray vague prayers we can't trace if God truly answered those prayers or not because they weren't specific.  

This week I have been challenging the kids to pray specifically.  So, yesterday I asked Garrett what big specific request was he praying about today.  He said I am praying that tomorrow at the yard sale the kids are having for Zambian Pastors that they will raise $500.  I did not say a word but knew that it was definitely a huge request.  The last yard sale was a great success bringing in over $300 so I knew this request was a God-sized request.  

A little while later he came back to me and said, "Mom, just so that I know it is an impossible request I have changed it to $500.30." My only response was THAT'S GREAT!  I don't ever want to squelch the faith of a child.   I LOVE the faith of children.  Today I am waiting in anticipation to see what God does in response.  

What big requests are on your heart?  If you don't have any I encourage you to seek the God of impossibilities with a God-sized request.  

We have had an amazing week of answered prayer.  I will be sharing our prayer blessings this coming Sunday so come back to see what God has done in our midst.  

Much love,
