One Easy Way To Teach Your Children To Pray

"I have already prayed for everything that needs praying for".

"I don't know what else to pray for".

"I can't think of anything".

Have you ever heard these phrases from your children?  I have.   Mark and I try to be faithful in teaching our children how to pray, but there are times when our children don't feel like praying or don't know what to pray for.  

Recently,  the kids and I were having a prayer time that turned into a mess.  The kids didn't have hearts to pray nor did they have anything to pray for.  I asked the Lord to show me what to do because I was at a loss.  After a minute, the Lord prompted us to pray through the alphabet.  

What started as the worst prayer time ever turned into the best!   The first thing one of my children prayed for was Attitude for A.  Once we hit B everyone was involved and wanted to pray.  By the time we finished, we were thinking of 3 to 4 things per letter to pray for and not only did we have more to pray for each of my kids loved praying through the alphabet.  

The biggest blessing was having one of our children tell us the next morning at breakfast that because of that activity God woke him up this morning to pray.  The I don't know what to pray for turned into a renewed vision to pray.  

As parents, there are so many things that are out of our control and we won't know what to do.  God showed me that when I ask for His wisdom and guidance, He is ready and available to give it to me.  He knows exactly what we need, when we need it.   At that moment, we needed this exact exercise and God used it in the hearts and lives of our children.  

All I have to do is ask!



  1. Oh what a WONDERFUL idea!! I'm so glad this was such a hit with your kiddos!! I am passing this on to my children's ministry leader...

    1. Thanks so much Chris for stopping by! We had another great prayer time yesterday using this method and I am truly praising God! I hope you have a great day!!

  2. Love this! Thank you for helping all of us parents to get unstuck and out of our rut! Awesome!

    1. Thanks Bonnie for stopping by! I can wallow in ruts sometimes. Praise the Lord that He loves pulling us out. I hope you have a great weekend.

  3. That's a great idea! I use the alphabet for many things (like worshiping through the names of God) but I've never asked my kids to use it. Thanks for sharing! Visiting from Grace and Truth :)

    1. Thanks again Arabah for stopping by! It is great for keeping us focused and on track. I have just finished an alphabet printable that will help children and adults pray through the alphabet. Hopefully, I will get that up on Monday!

  4. Thank you so much for this testimony.


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