This week our family has been challenging ourselves in the area of finances. Everyday for a week we have been living on no more than $2.50 a day. In the course of a week we have seen God provide in amazing ways.
The fridge is almost empty and today as I was planning out dinner I thought we would have french toast because we still had eggs and bread, but God changed our plans.
I was on the phone with Mark this afternoon when I saw a car coming up the driveway. I told Mark I had to go and thought to myself, “here comes a gift from God.” A gift it was! A sweet lady had us on her mind this morning and wanted to do something for us. We were overwhelmed by her generosity and gifts of…
…noodles in which I took as a sign from the Lord that He wanted us to have spaghetti. I made a marinara sauce from a couple of cans of tomatoes which turned out great.
An absolutely wonderful pound cake! Mark came in the house delighted that he had something to snack on. Mark is a sweet lover and he has been going through withdraws the last few days. We haven’t had much in the way of snack food items and I think it has gotten to him a little bit.
She also gave us some beautiful home décor and room spray! We are truly blessed beyond measure through this gift. God has provided abundantly. It is evident to each of us how much God does provide for our every need. He also delights in giving us beyond what we need as well. We serve such a Mighty God who uses His servants to bless others.
The kids are getting it which has been my greatest desire. They were so thrilled to see what God had given us today!
This challenge has really opened our eyes and it is very possible we will be making some permanent changes in the near future when it comes to finances. I don’t want to lose sight of God in this way by going back to our normal lifestyle. We have seen Him so clearly because we have had to rely on Him more for ordinary everyday things.
As I look back to my childhood I remember seeing God’s hand more during the times when our family had nothing. When we had abundance I wasn’t seeing His hand as clearly even though He was just as near! Our family also grew closer during those times because we had to come up with creative ways to vacation and entertain because we just didn’t have the money. I told Mark this evening that I want our children to daily see God’s hand of provision and care on a regular basis, but if we are never in need then they won’t get that privilege. I look forward to what God is going to do because of this challenge! Tomorrow is a great day to start LEAPING into a life of faith…(it’s leap year).
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