February Sacrifice Challenge Day One

Over three billion people — more than half the world population as of 2010 — live on less than $2.50 US Dollars (USD) a day. More than 80% of the population lives on less than $10 USD per day.  Resource Here 

Another source states the same thing:

Almost half the world – over three billion people – live on less than $2.50 a day.  And at least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day.

Chart and facts taken from:http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats

I first heard these statistics as I was listening to a Francis Chan message.  I don’t even remember what the message was about, but I do remember how much these statistics impacted my thinking.  For a month I have been mulling them over in my head. 

We have been certainly blessed beyond measure, but I am not so sure money is as big of a blessing as I always thought it was.  It is a blessing please don’t get me wrong, but Hudson Taylor once said in a round about way  that money can get in the way of seeing God.  And on many levels I think he may be right.  When we have money we don’t rely on God for the day to day things.  When we have money we take everything we have for granted.  When we have money we rely on our own efforts and what we do for a living and forget that God is the giver and provider. 

I have been sick much of this week and have not been on the computer.  That is why I have not posted as normal, but I have been able to read a couple of books that have been life changing.  I read a biography on Hudson Taylor and George Muller.  Both books are full of the impossible work of God in the lives of these men.  They relied on God for everything and God worked so mightily in their lives.  I have been very convicted and paired with these statistics I easily found what God would have us to do for our February sacrifice challenge. 

Our challenge for the last week of February starting today will be to live on only $2.50 a day for the remainder of the month.  We will rely on God for every need that surpasses this amount.  We have already seen Him provide so abundantly this week.  It is so cool to see how He goes before us preparing the way! 

This week we have received random gifts from people.  God is so amazing…

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One gentleman left a five gallon bucket of potatoes on our front porch.

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A lady in our church gave us a dozen eggs. 

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And the other day a man in our church grilled us this wonderful chicken that I have been saving for this evening as a testimony of God’s provision for our week of sacrifice.  I didn’t take a picture of the other side that shows I have already tasted this awesome chicken.  I just had to make sure it was good. Winking smile 

None of these people knew that we were going to embark on this week of sacrifice.  They all just gave as they were led.  For me it was a confirmation that this is exactly what God was planning out for our week. 

We are starting out with a couple of staples and some normal pantry items, but we did not make a grocery run right before this challenge.  I went to the store on Monday to get a couple things to last until today.  Mark did stop by the store yesterday for some medicine, lunch meat, and cream right before the challenge because I was in need of medicine.  Other than that we are just starting the week with bread, eggs, 1 gallon of milk, cheese, lunch meat Smile, and normal cupboard staples.  We do have some fruit leftover from last week and we have a freezer full of meat because we purchase 1/8 of a cow last fall. 

In all reality we are starting out rich! But my goal for this week is not to spend more than $2.50 a day for the next 7 days.  I am already seeing that it will be a little bit of a challenge because we are out of pretzels for the kids lunches.  I will have to get creative!  All in all I am thrilled that once again we get to stretch ourselves out of the comfort of our normal lifestyle to see in a small part how others in this world live! 
