Printables - Verse Cards, Verse Art, and Recipe Cards

I have been in the creating mode tonight and wanted to share these printables with you.  When I saw this door frame my mind was flooded with ideas and so I immediately set out to work creating some printables. 

I would not paint my house or front door that color, but I love the fact that someone else did!   I love these colors together and have made a few printables to match.

Click on link to download -

This is a 5x7 Verse art that can be printed and framed.  Each page will print two of the same design.

Click on link to download -
The Verse cards for this week do not have a specific theme.  These are great to use for your weekly/daily Scripture memorization.  Each sheet will print 6 different verses and 2 quotes.

                                          Click on link to download -
These printable recipe cards come in 4 different patterns/colors, and each sheet has four cards of one pattern.

Happy printing!  I hope you have a wonderful week in the Lord!  Delight in Him for He is our treasure!


  1. These verse cards are such a blessing. Thankyou so much for using your creative ability for the Lord!

    Have a great day.


  2. Thanks so much Renee. You are such an encouragement and a blessing!!!

  3. I LOVE verse cards. That is what I enjoy doing most on my blog,creating verse cards in Photoshop that I can print out and place all over! Thanks for the printable. I am blessed.

  4. Thanks so much LeAnn. I love your verse art too! I don't have Photoshop right now, but may head that way in the future. Thanks for stopping by!


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