Our Little Munchins

My poor sister has wondered why I haven’t posted about her nieces and nephew lately so today I am posting in honor of my lovely sister!  We love you and miss you tons.

2011 1716

Breanna thinks it is so funny to pull the scale out of our bathroom and stand on it.  I really think she thinks it is a WII board.  On the weekends if the kids play the WII she wants to push them out of the way so she can stand on it.  Now we have a diversion.

2011 1717

Breanna still refuses to drink out of anything but a bottle.  She does try drinking out of open cups, but I am not ready for all the mess that comes with that yet.  Everytime she drinks her bottle she goes to the window seat...everytime.  If we don’t know where she is we usually find her in this spot.  It is her own personal place.

2011 17112011 1709

We just finished up a week of revival at our church.  We saw the Lord working in such an amazing way!  We had many professions of faith, visitors, and rededications.  God never ceases to amaze us and is constantly reminding us that “He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.”  Ephesians 3:20

2011 16862011 1684

Lexi started taking piano lessons this fall and has really enjoyed it.  She is doing so well and even teaching me some things.  Lexi’s teacher is amazing and has such a heart for her students.

2011 1626

Isaiah was able to visit a couple of weeks ago and Breanna was showing off his hat.  Even though we don’t see Isaiah as much as we like to we have such a wonderful time when he does visit.  He is such a HUGE blessing to our lives.

2011 1701

We love our new home and area.  It is filled with so much beauty.  The mountains behind us have been breath-taking and so full of color.  I can’t believe that fall is racing past us with the Holiday’s fast approaching.   I just love this time of year.   This is the time of year when we focus on all of the things we are thankful for.   Even if I had nothing I hope that I could still have a heart of thankfulness if only because of who God is and what He has done for me.   He is such a great reward and today I am thankful for my God!


