There's Nothing Like The Living God

A couple of weeks ago we had a very special visitor in our Sunday morning worship service.  The quarterback for Virginia Tech came to see a guy in our church so he decided to come to church with him.

I didn't tell Garrett because I wanted it to be a surprise.  Plus, he has a way of bugging us to death if he is excited about going somewhere or seeing someone.  He is a planner so he  counts the minutes (one minute at a time) until the exact time we leave.   That may be a very slight exaggeration.

It was neat to watch everyone in the church respond to this visitor.  Some were excited, some got autographs, and some just stared.  It was a very neat experience...

But all morning I wondered if we would be as excited if God showed up at our church.   I mean, if the God of all creation just showed up at our church how would we respond.   I was almost afraid to ask myself.

We have been praying for God to do mighty things in our midst.  We have set aside times to meet with Him in prayer to seek His direction and will for our church.  Our church now has a furnace room (a prayer room) during our morning worship services.  We have a house of prayer on Wednesday nights that is set aside for prayer alone.  And we have a ladies prayer chain/group that prays daily.   We are seeking and this last Sunday morning He showed up.

Did you know that when THE God shows up things happen?  I still cannot explain it (definitely an evidence it was God - beyond human comprehension), but He showed up and worked in a mighty way.   Three people were saved by the power of the Holy Spirit, one person dedicated their life to the Lord, and one person wants to join the church.  Hallelujah.  Everything from the opening prayer to the closing prayer had God's name written right on it.  It was one of the most amazing worship service I have ever been apart of.

Was it neat to have a famous person (to us) in the church?  Sure.   But there is nothing like the Living God!

