More Than A Bad Day

More Than a Bad Day

by Maria Hartman

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

This verse continues to draw me into the depth of what is there. Join me as God
unpacks it for our use. First, let’s look at the ‘who’. Jesus. He is speaking to His
disciples…to the ones who follow Him. Therefore He is most certainly speaking
to me and to you if you are His. Reminding us of what we so desperately need to
know, He tells us that peace is available to us. However, it isn’t multiple choice as to where we’ll find it; it is found in only one place. Will I choose Him? To trust Him no matter what I see, feel, and hear? So much so that no event or circumstance can alter the peace because it is in Him and He never changes? In Him, I may have peace; all other options are ruled out; the choice given to me is more than sufficient.

Something certain is coming our way however: tribulation. There is no ‘may’ in this part of the verse. Christ sates if plainly and simply; In the world you WILL have ‘grievous troubles or severe trials and sufferings’. This is far more than a bad day. We don’t get to know it before hand, we don’t get to give our stamp of approval for it, and we don’t have to understand any of it. But praise God, it doesn’t end there. DESPITE any or all of it, we may have peace IN HIM. Take away these last two words and it becomes a lie. I can’t stress that enough to this brain and heart of mine; one way alone for salvation, and one way alone for peace. In Him. How much simpler does God have to make it for us? How many times (I can’t count that high) have I complicated what God has said? My weak flesh and my deceptive enemy always try to tell me peace can be brought about with Jesus AND….You see I’m far too smart to think it can be achieved without Him, but I’m far from smart when I think something/someone else is a necessary add on. Peace is singular, yet it is incomprehensible in scope. Jesus. In Him I may have peace when my heart is breaking. Peace in Him when I can’t see where anything is going or how it will turn out. It can’t be shaken, taken, or altered if in Him is where I am.

And by His great grace I can also be of good cheer. He may not answer why to so many of my other questions, but He tells me why here. It is beautiful, true, and sure. ‘I have overcome the world.’ This is how come I can do what He says. And knowing it is true, how can there be anything other than good cheer? He wins, and I win because I am one with Him. Amazing…

For Today:
Anyone can overcome a bad day. Who can overcome tribulation WITH good cheer? Not a person alive; it is completely impossible apart from Him. Love has shown me the place of peace in the person of Christ; not if things are well, but especially when they aren’t….Be of good cheer comes from the voice of the Savior. He says it with confidence to His beloved….do you believe Him? I do. Now all that is left to do is live it.


  1. Great thoughts to help me start my week! Thank you for sharing!


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