My Little Chickie

Lexi was a little chick in a play called, "The Little Red Hen".  The kindergarten class put on this play on the last day of school.  They were adorable.

My two beautiful girls.  I am so blessed to be their mom!

My parents came in last weekend for a visit and were able to see the kids programs.

Lexi received a good behavior award and we were SO proud of her.  In all honesty we were a little shocked, but excited!

When Lexi got saved last year there was a complete transformation.  Before she was saved we not sure what was going to come out of her mouth.  Now she is more sensitive and compassionate.   She is such a joy to our lives.  She has grown so much this last year.  We are so thankful that God blessed us with such a wonderful beautiful daughter.  She thrills my heart everyday and teaches me so much.   She eats more than any girl I know and can definitely out-eat Garrett.  And like any child she gets bored very easily. :)

We love you Lexi and think you make a very cute chickie.
