Enough about that! Breanna turns 11 months today sometime this afternoon. I really don't remember at this moment what time she was born. She is such a blessing and joy to our lives!
This month...
- you finally learned to crawl...hallelujah
- you are wearing 18 month clothes and size 4 diaper
- you love cheerios, bananas, green beans, strawberries, yogurt, bread, spaghetti, and corn. You really like feeding yourself, but throw things you do not like. :(
- you will not drink anything other than formula in a bottle
- you do not like your new car seat and will fuss if you have to sit in it too long
- you just started exploring but usually sit at my feet crying to be picked up...But this week it has gotten a lot better.
- you love to be outside
- you can say hi, dadda, isa(for Isaiah), and have started calling me Bob! I love it!
- right now you use your left hand for almost everything
- and you are really rotten. :)
It is such a fun age because every week she is learning something new. I love the fact that her smile can light up a room...but I think it is that way with all babies!
Bob- I love it! Haha! Breanna, you are a beautiful baby!