Easter Sunday

We had a wonderful Easter!  It was such a beautiful Resurrection Day on so many levels.  I can only imagine that the day Christ arose was as beautiful as it was for us on Easter.  The service on Sunday was very powerful and exciting!

I had a passing thought on Saturday that I should take Easter pictures before Sunday in case things didn't go as planned.  Don't we all know that things never go as planned on Sunday mornings :).   On Sunday when things were going crazy I was hoping to get at least one good picture of the three of the kids together.  I am thinking we might just have to try again sometime this week.

Our Pastor ( :) ) gave us the Sunday evening off to spend with our families.  When the morning service ended we headed out of town to visit family.   We had a great time visiting family!

Breanna had a hard night on Sunday night and didn't sleep well.  So we returned home ready for a good night sleep.  Every one of us slept in on Tuesday and it was SO wonderful.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!! 


  1. How cute are they?? Breanna makes me want another baby girl...my goodness, what am I nuts?! Garrett and Lexi are looking so grown up. We're so glad you are all doing well and hope to see you sometime soon!

  2. Nuts, nuts, nuts!! Surely after having a fussy one then next should be a better baby...right? We would love for you all to come see us!


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