She cracks me up!
I think I mentioned that she is not a baby of much personality.
Most of the time the only emotion she shows is crying.
Today while I was out and about grocery shopping she had every one's attention. She was laughing, waving, making silly faces, and being a ham. I don't know what hit, but it sure has been entertaining.
In my personal prayer study that I have been going through I wound up in 1 Samuel studying the prayers of Hannah. Hannah's story has really caught my attention and I have been so enraptured by her prayer life. It shows so much virtue and love for the Lord.
I love the whole (true) story of how she prayed for a son and the Lord answered by giving her the son she longed to have. I love how she poured out her heart to the Lord and didn't want to be mistaken for an evil woman. I am perplexed at how she prayed a prayer of if You do this...I will do this. But the thing that I love and gripped my heart in this study of Hannah's life is that she was able to praise the Lord while going through ( opinion...but any mom might agree) one of the most trying circumstances of her life.
Her prayer praises God for He is in control of all things. He is the Author and Sustainer of life. I love her heart of praise to the Lord. She obviously knew the One whom she was giving her child to. She had complete trust and confidence in our God knowing that He was her strength.
He chose Samuel for such a time and this dear woman to be his mom. What a privilege. What she couldn’t see in full God was orchestrating a grand picture for all ages to see. Because of a woman’s sacrifice God used that sacrifice in an amazing way!
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