A Weekend With Family and Impossible Prayer Requests

Mark's parents came to see us this weekend!  We had a wonderful time time relaxing and visiting.  It was such a beautiful weekend so on Saturday we showed them our new town, went to the park, took them to the greenway (an awesome walking park), had ice cream at Flotzies, rested on the front porch, and finished with a nice grill out.  For a small town there are some neat things to do all while enjoying such a beautiful view.

Breanna is growing more and more everyday.  This last week she started feeding herself cheerio's and baby puffs.  Yay! It is nice to be advancing in this small way toward independence. 

Garrett and Lexi are growing up so fast.  Before I know it they will be teenagers so I am trying to take every moment captive.  It is hard when everything goes by so fast.  Can you tell Lexi doesn't want her picture taken??  It never fails somehow someway satan tries to bring us to ruins on Sunday morning.  I know this doesn't just happen at my house...right?

Thank you Mamaw and Papaw for coming to see us this weekend.  
We had a great time and love you very much!!  Can't you tell?

This is Breanna's first real attempt at crawling which ended in NOT crawling.
  She is not adventurous at all...she gets that from Mark. ;) 
   She will crawl when she's ready...I guess. :)  

Yesterday our worship services were awesome.  Last night we had an impossible prayer and praise meeting.  Everyone got a sheet of paper that looked kind of like this;

Humanly Impossible Prayer Requests
"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Eph. 3:20

1. Individually:_______________________________________________
2. Family:___________________________________________________
3. At Your Work Place:________________________________________
4. In Your Church:____________________________________________
5. In the Specific Ministry You Serve:_____________________________
6: Miscellaneous:_____________________________________________

  It really made me evaluate and think through requests that I find impossible and can only be met by the One who does the impossible.  My requests really turned into impossible goals for this year.  I put it in my Bible so that everyday I will make it a priority to pray for these requests.   

I would love to hear testimonies of the impossible things the Lord has done in your life.  If you have a testimony please feel free to share through a comment!

Have an awesome week!!!

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  1. Valerie..I shared this thru and email with your husband. I found it so AMAZING...and stand in awe at how quick God works sometimes. You know Jerika and I have shared with you that we have been praying for yrs that Stevie and Robbie's parents would come to church....I have to be honest in saying I haven't been as consistent in the past yr of that! I began to have the wrong attitude of thinkin that It will probably never happen and Oh well! Well, she had mentioned (as we told u I think) that she might want to come to church...she has said that alot so I never took it to heart. Sunday nights service was such a blessing and so wonderful! When I received the handout sunday night I went straight to the family part and wrote 2 requets down..one of them was "that ___ and ____ would come to church".... We went through the first part of the service and after the first song we sat down and Stevie leaned over to me and said "Is that mom over beside Jerika...did you know she was coming?..What is she doing here?"...all I could seriously do was just smile and laugh!! Wow..I hadn't even prayed yet!! (lol) I had NO clue she was coming!!!!! I spent time during our prayer time offering several requests up to God, and that being one of them. After church I ran over and hugged her and told her I was so glad she was here...she said "What a true blessing....Your new Pastor is incredible..I honestly feel like God is telling me I need to start joining in worship here. I would love to have a one-on-one meeting with your pastor soon" WOW!!! I stood Amazed...God is truly pulling at her heart strings and I was so amazed at the timing and how quick!! :) God is so awesome..and truly is a God of answering the humanly impossible requests! :)

  2. How awesome. Thank you so much for sharing! God is so amazing. For me...I know that God can do all things, but sometimes doubt that He will answer. When He answers prayer like that we get a glimpse of His power and might. Not only that, but He cares about our petitions and wants to make Himself known in our life.
    Yay...for answered prayer in your life! Thanks.


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