Happy Birthday to My Sweet 5 Year Old Lexi

Lexi, I have seen you grow so much this year.  You have a desire for Spiritual things and I am so proud of you. It is so neat to see you growing in your knowledge and understanding of the Lord.  

 *are so full of life and silliness :)   
*are growing out of some very strong willed temperaments...which we are thankful for! 
*love art and have become very good at it.
*are wearing size 6 clothing and size 12 shoes.
*love gummies, and subway.
*enjoy helping me in the kitchen...I think it is because you like taste testing :)
*hate cleaning your room.  We have to pull teeth and nails to get you to clean.
*love anything with princesses, and love dressing up.
*are a wonderful big sister.

I can't believe you are turning 5 today.  You are such a special girl and we love you so much!!! 

 Here are a few pictures from this past year and before.  Our external picture drive crashed on us, and we lost all of our pictures before last year.  I have recovered only a few from Shutterfly, but everything else is gone. 
May 2010

 September 2009
This was Lexi's birthday last year.
 Birthday 2009
Christmas 2009

May 2010

December 2009
Lexi does not like the fire at Japanese restaurants...so here she is under the table.  She ate her whole meal under the table that time.

December 2009

December 2009

Summer 2007
Lexi was 2 years old

This was Garrett and Lexi's 4/2 year old birthday party.

Summer 2008

Easter 2008

Dress Up Day
August 2008

January 2007
Now back to the present. 

I walked by the bathroom this morning to hear Lexi singing "Happy Birthday" to herself.  She is a big goober!  She was so excited to be turning 5. 

She was so excited to take cupcakes to school today!  She wanted chocolate cupcakes with the pink strawberry frosting.  I had to talk her out of it so we added the pink sprinkles instead.

Yay for birthdays...I mean children's birthdays.  I am not so fond of adult birthdays anymore. ;)
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